Plant A Privacy Hedgerow Using Flowering Shrub

Homeowners with outdated fences or undefined property lines may have a fantastic landscaping opportunity in front of them. The desire to establish or maintain privacy no longer has to follow the traditional wasteful spending of hiring a contractor to build expensive privacy fences. An increased number of people think outside the box and put nature to work.

By planting flowering shrubs along property lines or spaces you desire enhanced privacy, homeowners create a living asset that won't look weathered or require costly replacement. In fact, by strategically designing a flowering shrub privacy hedgerow, its density, and lovely blooms will only improve.

How To Select Flowering Shrubs For A Privacy Hedgerow

Choosing a flowering shrub for privacy narrows the practical options. The plant must stand at least 6 feet tall to prevent abutters from seeing cleanly over the hedgerow. It will also need significant density and lush leaves to mimic the privacy offered by modern fencing. One must also weigh structural components against the aesthetic appeal. Not every beautiful shrub can deliver the private property owners seek. Some have low-density leaf structures or don't grow tall enough. The following rank among the popular flowering shrubs used for hedgerows.


Spirea Van Houtte Shrub: This flowering shrub typically produces abundant white or pink blooms that flourish during spring and summer against deep blue-green leaves. During fall, the foliage turns chartreuse-gold. This asset matures to upwards of 10 feet and can spread approximately 6 feet. The Spirea shrub enjoys ample leaf density for a successful hedgerow.

Hydrangea: This flowering shrub enjoys household name status and remains one of the most popular landscaping assets. Often spaced in front of outbuildings and fences, homeowners need only tighten the distance between Hydrangea shrubs to form a living privacy perimeter. Reaching heights of 8-20 feet, the Hydrangea offers significant leaf density and large clusters of white, pink, blue, or purple blooms during summer.

Maple Leaf Viburnum: This plant has lovely white or pink flowers during spring and attractive berries; this shrub matures to 8-20 feet and spreads up to 12 feet. Although it typically produces green foliage, some varieties turn fiery red during autumn, while others remain evergreen. Homeowners may find this flowering shrub particularly cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing.
Hill's Privet: Ranked among the fastest-growing flowering shrubs, Hill's Privet adds upwards of 4 feet annually. This dense evergreen shrub offers deep green foliage and subtle white blooms during spring. It ranks among the go-to landscaping assets for creating hedgerows up to 10 feet tall and delivers top-tier privacy.

Ninebark: Reaching 8 feet tall with deep green-blue leaves, the Ninebark remains a low-maintenance option. It offers white or pink summer blooms and often enjoys golden or burgundy fall foliage.
Although these flowering shrubs possess the necessary attributes to create a privacy hedgerow, others, such as the Black Chokeberry or Crepe Myrtle, may also suffice. It's crucial to select a flowering shrub that can thrive in your climate and soil conditions. Another consideration involves growth rates. Options such as Privets proliferate while other shrubs take their time. Consider how quickly you desire dense, tall privacy when selecting plants.


Tips On Planting A Flowering Shrub Privacy Hedgerow

Employing flowering shrubs as fencing seems like outside-the-box thinking until people experience them. Then it appears more logical and pragmatic than buying wood, metal, or plastic products. The recommended spacing between shrubs allows them to maximize their spreading potential. Following those guidelines would result in robust shrubs with gaping holes between each one. To make a privacy fence work effectively, you must close those gaps. That means planting each shrub closer together. You may be wondering how close it is too close. Generally, low-growing shrubs up to 4 feet tall work well as screens when placed about 18 inches apart. When selecting relatively tall flowering shrubs, landscaping professionals often plant them 3-4 feet apart. Keep in mind this reflects only a general guideline. Exceptions might include thin, tall shrubs that require extreme proximity. On the other end of the spectrum, flowering shrubs with spreads that reach 10-plus feet could be spaced a tad wider apart. But tightening the spacing could prove valuable if you choose a flowering shrub with low leaf density.

Gardening enthusiasts may have the experience to see the subtle distinctions that lead to successful spacing. If you have questions about using flowering shrubs to create a privacy hedgerow, our TN nursery professionals are happy to help. We carry a complete inventory of flowering shrubs. Contact us today.


Who Wouldn't Love To Have A Living Privacy Hedgerow

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