
Mulch Has Many Uses In A Garden

Mulch is necessary to trap heat and keep moisture in as plants are growing. Mulch also prevents weeds from encircling a garden and choking precious flowers. There is mulch in the form of grass, wood chipping, tree bark, and sawdust powder. Those who regularly work in construction can save wood powder as mulch and bring it home to your garden. You can use compost as mulch, but be careful in what type of leaves, stems, or branches you may use when compiling compost; you don't want any plant refuse to contain harmful microbes or fungal infections contaminating your garden. It is your choice whether or not you want to use inorganic or organic mulch. Organic mulch is better suited for supporting plant nutrients. Organic mulch can be used as a fertilizer and barrier to keep weeds and animals away from your garden. Organic mulch also infuses the soil with necessary nutrients. You can drain soil nutrients as plants are growing.

Inorganic mulch has its benefits, like black plastic, which does well in holding in heat during the night. There are a variety of mulches that can be used for various purposes. If you have a pest problem, lay some mulch around your garden to deter animals from trampling your flowers and eating your plant food. Many small animals do not like the feel of wooden mulch on their feet and will be less likely to troll an uncomfortable area to their feet. Do some research and find out which mulch is best when growing a particular flower, fruit, or vegetable. Different plants require special needs so ask your local nursery representative about the best mulch to keep your garden healthy. Mulch should always be an essential part of a gardener's kit when growing plants.