Potassium Bicarbonate

Potassium bicarbonate is an excellent way of eliminating fungus in any garden. Different types of fungus infect gardens, but potassium bicarbonate can kill all kinds of harmful bacteria and fungus on any plant. Potassium bicarbonate can be found in any supermarket or health store. Potassium bicarbonate also goes by the name of acid. It also goes by hydrogen potassium bicarbonate to avoid confusion.

You can use potassium bicarbonate to kill fungal infections or prevent a fungal infection from spreading. Plant fungus begins as a powder that can spread to other plants through the wind. Plant fungus can drain plant nutrients and will kill leaves and stems if spreading to an advanced stage. If you make compost or manure yourself, check to ensure that plant clippings do not contain fungus or mold. Compost or manure containing plant fungus will also infect healthy and thriving gardens. Signs of a fungal infection include wilting flowers and powdery dust that resembles everyday furniture dust. You'll also notice tiny white spots on the leaves from the mold growth. Potassium bicarbonate is a natural pesticide used for killing fungus. It is safe to use around any plant; however, do not spray too much since the potassium will turn the plants you want to save yellow if exposed to the sun. Whether natural or not, be sure that no plant is weighed by down too many chemicals.

Potassium bicarbonate can also kill any harmful microbes on trees and plants. Trees like weeping cherry trees contain harmful bacteria, which is why these trees need to be treated with an organic pesticide. Spraying regularly around gardens and trees will cut back on harmful microbes and the spreading of the fungus. Potassium bicarbonate is an organic way of killing off any fungus and harmful bacterial growth.