Safe Gardening Methods

Safe gardening requires thoughtful planning to avoid serious injury. Many gardeners like to grab their tools and start working, but safe gardening should always be a priority before gardening. If you live in an area prone to plenty of sunlight, always wear protective sunscreen if planning to work outside for an extended period. Wearing hats and long sleeves shirts is also a great way to protect your skin from the sun. To avoid the sunlight in general, wake up early in the morning or garden after work when the sun is not as intense. Another key to safe gardening is the types of tools you use. Safe gardening requires that all tools are sharpened and not dulled. Ensure your lawnmower blades are adequately sharpened or replace them if necessary. Dull lawnmower blades can ruin your grass and spread bacteria throughout your lawn. You can sharpen any blade with wet sandstone to ensure your favorite gardening tools are pristine for cutting. When trimming or pruning, ensure all plant residue is cleaned off the blades. Cutting with blades that contain dried plant reside can spread harmful microbes to your garden. When using sharp blades, always use protective gloves and handle any sharp tool very carefully. If you cut and trim bushes frequently, you may also want to use protective goggles to prevent any plant debris from getting in your eye. Make sure the blades are not rusted; if they are, clean them off or throw them away. Rust can also spread harmful bacteria to. If you make mulch or compost, be careful about what plant matter you use when gardening. Make sure no diseased or molded plants will get in your compost or mulch pile. Always keep a clean garden and never leave a cluttered area. A messy gardening area can attract insects, spiders, and animals that may harm you or your garden. Snakes love areas that will give them shade and will allow them to rest. To prevent the spread of bacteria and pests, ensure all bags are sealed tightly and stored in a place for later use. Safe gardening requires simple habits that will keep you from getting hurt. Gardeners love taking care of their but to do good service to your garden, always keep your safety in mind first.

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