Stink Bugs

Stink Bugs

A particular article should be devoted to stink bugs alone since these tiny insects are becoming more widespread around the southern portion of the United States. The stink bugs you may have been seeing are from Japan and have come to breed rapidly throughout the country at an alarming rate. Stink bugs are now a common sight everywhere during the spring, summer, and fall months, and they can be seen in your house and throughout your garden. They are called stink bugs since they give off an unpleasing aroma that is hard to eliminate.

If you are a gardener, you may want to keep a lookout for the presence of stink bugs since they are known for eating leafy, green plants. If you have a heavy infestation of stink bugs in your local area, there are ways to keep them away from your garden. Stink bugs also spread yeast spot disease, and when it comes to growing plants, no form of mold, yeast, or fungus should be anywhere near your plants. They also feed on seeds, so be careful if you are starting a new garden. They also attack various fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes, beans, and pears.

To prevent stink bug infestation, start with pulling out any weeds, which are a breeding ground for stinkbugs and their eggs. Look for plants that are a haven for stink bugs, including little mallow, thistle, legumes, and blueberries. You can also spot stink bug eggs by picking them off with a gloved finger. Usually, the eggs are whitish, yellowish, or brown. Always wear gloves when trying to get rid of stink bugs since they will emit a foul-smelling fluid if feeling threatened. Insecticides are one of the few times that will not work on a particular garden pest; however, insect soaps will dissolve any insect's outer layer. Kaolin clay can also be used to keep stink bugs at bay.

You can also use natural predators against stink bugs like parasitic wasps and flies, which will swoop in and infect stink bug eggs. Ways to tell if parasitic insects are getting to insects is to check if stunk bug eggs are darkish in color, which means they have been infected for check of ligature or punctures on the eggs themselves. Make sure that predators that naturally go after stink bug insects will not come to harm your garden as well. Friendlier predator insects that will not harm your garden and will still target eggs are ladybugs and lace-wigs.