How to Have Healthy Plants

Do you want to make sure you have healthy plants?


If so, there are a lot of factors to consider. Of course, you are probably thinking about which trees you would like to plant, where you want to put them, and what you want your landscape as a whole to look like. If you are looking for a nursery, read a few Tennessee Wholesale Nursery reviews before deciding who to choose. Then, think about these factors to ensure you have healthy plants.

Pick the Right Location

First, you must pick the correct location. Make sure you choose a tree that is meant for your area. Think about the Zone in which you are located. Then, make sure you choose a location with plenty of Sun and a lot of space for the tree to grow its entire canopy. Next, ensure you are not digging too close to utility lines or powerlines, as you could damage surrounding structures. Lastly, do not plant a tree too deep in the ground. Otherwise, it will not get enough oxygen.

Water the Tree Properly

What's the tree is planted, you need to water it regularly. You should look at your tree if it has not rained in a few weeks. Generally, a healthy, mature tree will require approximately 1 inch of water every week. If you have recently planted the tree, you must provide 5 to 10 gallons of water every week during the first growing season. That way, it can develop a healthy root structure. Could you keep track of how often it is raining? You may need to provide your tree with some supplemental water.


When trees are located in a forest, natural plants feed on the soil in the surrounding area. When we take care of our yards, we break them regularly, removing many natural nutrients. Examples include leaves and grass clippings. Therefore, you have to replace these missing nutrients by providing fertilizer. Try to select a slow-release fertilizer. That way, your tree has a steady flow of nutrients entering its root structure.

Furthermore, test your soil every once in a while. See if any elements are missing. That way, you can replace them and protect your tree's health.


Finally, you should also make sure you choose the right nursery. That is why reading Tennessee Wholesale Nursery reviews is so important. If you want to learn more about choosing healthy trees for your location, visit us here!