Medicinal plants

In some cases, the most well-known plants in our home, like the aloe, have adaptability that we never think about. After studying and experimenting, sometimes we learn some interesting properties about these plants. For the sole purpose of this article, Aloe vera is the main topic of interest.


Aloe vera has been depicted on Ancient Egyptian wall paintings

They used the plant for medicine and also in embalming. It was also used in Europe in the 10th century and as Chinese medicine in the 11th century.

Today, the aloe vera's practical use in the kitchen speaks to cooks who occasionally get burnt on the stove. With a label clarifying that the cook may snap off a leaf and apply the broken end to a burn, the aloe could be a popular selling item.

It has even been named "the burn plant." The sap in the leaves of plants at least two years old is enough to treat minor burns, but younger plants will also work.

Aloe vera leaves can reach two feet long, and the tubular yellow blossom spike grows in the summer. Aloes do better in full sun and well-drained soil but can live in partial shade.

Aloes make great pass-along plants


Potted plants aren't disturbed by bugs, other than mealy bugs, and maybe set just about anyplace outside if they get some daylight and enough indirect light a large portion of the day. They can stand temperatures as low as 40F or 5C.

Should your outdoor aloes be exposed to a quick dip in temperature, cover them up. Generally speaking, the soil should soak through for freshly planted aloes and should not be watered again until the top portion of the dirt is completely dry.

Poor soil quality can tolerate, but the soil should drain freely

Most people keep in mind that aloes are succulents and are best watered sparingly and just every 2 or 3 weeks, depending on how quickly the container drains.

Vacationers, who returned home thinking they would find dead plants, have been shocked to see new leaves regrowing after watering the aloe, proving just how durable these tiny plants genuinely are.