how to fertilize perennials
How and When to Fertilize Perennial Plants

How and When to Fertilize Perennial Plants

 Fertilizing Perennial Plants

For making sure your perennials are getting the nutrients they need, knowing when and how to fertilize them is a crucial part of gardening. From composting to selecting the right fertilizer, this article covers all the basics to keep your perennials thriving!



Many of us want our gardens alive with vibrant colors and fragrances year-round, so let's learn more about specific fertilizer types and ideal application times for each type. An understanding of this information will make it easier than ever before to enjoy perfectly maintained perennial plants in no time. Let's get started!

What is a Perennial?


Technically speaking, they are plants that bloom and live for longer than two years. This differs from annuals, like petunias, which bloom for a year before they go to seed and die. Certain perennials have a short lifespan (lasting three to four years); however, many are long-lived. Peonies are known to last for 100 years or more!


When we think of perennials, we usually think of ornamental plants, like the daylilies and daisies we find in our garden. Perennials are available in all sizes, shapes, and shades.


One of the most appealing aspects of perennials is that you only need to put them in once; afterward, they grow stronger and more beautiful each year. We can separate many species each 3-4 years, meaning you'll have plenty of plants to plant in different areas of your garden. You can also give it to friends. It's a fantastic investment! However, be careful, as gardening for the long haul can become addictive!

Perennial Plant Fertilization: When Not To Fertilize


You may not believe it, but there's a time when fertilizing your perennials could put them in danger. For most perennials, fertilizing between mid and late autumn can be disastrous. It is best to avoid fertilizing during this period.


As fall comes around, perennials begin to slow down their growth. Instead of using their energy to produce new blooms or leaves, they store energy to keep them safe through winter.

When To Fertilize Perennial Plants


Providing added power could benefit your plants in two key time frames regarding perennials.


The first one is in the early spring, just as they emerge from their dormant state. The other is just before or when the plant blooms. Let's start by looking at these specific times and how you can best fertilize each.

Fertilizing early in the spring


For most perennials, a springtime application of fertilizer can be crucial. This aids in the development of robust roots and healthy foliage. The ideal moment to administer this dosage is right before or just as your perennials emerge from the ground and grow leaves.


As a plant comes from its dormancy stage, it requires energy to fuel its growth. The stronger and healthier the plant's roots and leaves develop at the beginning of the season and more, the better it will boost flowering when it's time for flowers.


Granular fertilizers are your most effective choice to fertilize your plants in the spring or early spring. This is the time; it's not about stimulating the plant in a hurry to increase bloom power but instead trying to maintain power levels for a great growth rate.


Granular fertilizers work well for slowly releasing fertilizers to plants. Once broken down in the soil, they leak into the plant's root system. This gradual and steady process is precisely what perennials require boosting their power in the early spring. The following perennials are easy to grow in your garden:



The dark green leaves can grow to lengths of between 3/4 to 2 inches. We can divide them into three or five leaves on a stem. The stem itself can be 6 inches in size. The clumped plants thrive in dry, well-drained soil to stop the roots from becoming rotten and thrive in the sun from partial to complete, but they cannot endure a whole day of sunshine.


They grow to an average height of 3 to 10 inches at maturity. They are early bloomers and signal spring's beginning in March and April. In full bloom, I usually adorned them with stunning pale to dark purple flowers surrounding the center of the orange. They also have different blues, white and bi-color flowers. Each bloom consists of five petals. The flowers measure approximately 2 inches in size.


Partridgeberry Plants 

Mitchella repens - Pain de perdrix - Vente plant Mitchelle rampante à baies  rouges

 Mitchella Repens is a tiny evergreen perennial indigenous to North and Central America. . I striped other names for the plant wintergreen, striped prince's spine, or ratsbane.


Its flowers have a subtle scent that is delicate and subtle. The leaves of the plant can be eaten, while others utilize them as remedies for certain illnesses because of their long-standing history of healing. The most frequent ailments that treat this plant are abrasions, injuries, and more severe diseases, like arthritis and urinary tract disorders.



 Bearded Iris 'Over Alaska' ,German Iris

The Siberian Iris is a perennial that can quickly grow in zones 2-7. It will help if you put your Iris plants between 10 and 12 inches apart to achieve the best results. This will give the plants space to spread to get the most effective results.


This perennial is growing moderately and can last an average of 10 years. The flowers of the plant make the perfect complement to a bouquet of cut flowers. They require minimal maintenance. I should cut the plants back in autumn to ensure they are healthy in the spring. Please make sure they are in a moist environment.


They typically find it on stream banks, marshes, and along lakesides. The flowers are renowned for their vibrant, vivid violet-blue blossoms and deeply veined leaves resembling swords. The flowers measure two and three inches tall and have white marks at the base. It can grow to three feet tall and 2 feet wide. They thrive in moist, damp, well-drained soil. The plant is a fan of partial shade to maximize growth. They are frequently used to create an accent in small ponds as their size and color will draw attention toward the garden or lake in which they are located.