Easiest Perennials To Grow

Black-eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susan is found all over North America and is easy to grow. They are safe from deer, are dry season tolerant, are very hardy, and require very little maintenance. They draw in butterflies, and birds will consume the seeds. In a group, this plant gives a great color to your garden. Most are yellow or orange, but some are slightly brown petal varieties. They blossom in mid to late summer and last through fall. They can grow from 12 inches to several feet tall. Their leaves are furry and rough. They thrive most in full sun but can survive in partial shade. To keep them blooming longer, remove the deadheads. If you don't have time for complete upkeep, leave the deadheads for the birds. Varieties could be perennial, annual, or biennial “before you make a purchase, pay attention to which kind you are getting.

Perennial varieties should be divided every 3-4 years to help with overpopulating, or they will quickly overtake smaller plants. They are easily separated and can be replanted. Ensure you water the replanted divisions well to give the roots the best chance at survival. You can engender these plants by partitioning the roots and replanting them. They can also be grown from seed. In huge bunches, Black-eyed Susans give a solid pop of color in any arrangement, particularly in spots where it might be harder to grow more sensitive plants.

For a more eye-catching display, try contrasting different shades and textures. Try arranging them with purple, silver, or blue blooming plants or tall grasses. These plants are sensitive to powdery mildew, especially in hot, wet climates. You can use an antifungal spray to help combat the decay, or you can try separating the thicker clusters to allow more room for airflow. However, more often than not, nothing needs to be done for these plants to do well. Generally speaking, Black-eyed Susans are exceptionally tolerant and forgiving.

Star Grass Grass

Yellow Star Grass is a native perennial commonly called Star-Grass and is found mainly in wet-mesic or mesic areas such as dry prairies or open wooded areas. It may also be located in areas with high lime content, such as in some wetter areas. It is considered a wildflower, An ornamental plant, and a relative of the Amaryllis and Lily. As its name suggests, its yellow stars make up the flower of this grass. Six egg-shaped petals form the bloom that can reach up to one inch. The three outer petals may have a hairy underside. Despite its small size, it is surprisingly tough and long-lived. It blooms from May to July. Yellow Star Grass blooms best in full sun or partial shade. Flower blooms grow from hairy stalks that are usually no more than only six inches tall.

Like the stems, the leaves are also covered with fine hairs and can easily bypass the stem's height when the flowers bloom. It is an excellent addition to ornamental gardens. Bees, especially carpenter and mason bees, are attracted to the bright yellow and the flowers' mild floral scent of the flowers; Small rodents may also frequent the plant to nibble on the corn. Soil types include dry to slightly moist and tolerate loam, sandy or rocky material. It can spread to form small colonies, but it is not aggressive. Yellow star grass is relatively low and is often overlooked, but it can often be recognized for heralding the arrival of spring once it is seen. It can grow best in zones 3 through 9.

Pond Lilies

Beautiful and practical, pond lilies can add that special "something missing" to a garden pond. Serving as hiding places, they are also a welcome escape from the summer heat for the fish. Growing plants in a pond can also help the water stay clean and aerated, allowing less pond maintenance. Pond lilies are divided into two categories. Hardy plants do better in colder northern climates, in which winter causes the water to freeze. The roots are long and below the water's freezing level, and the lilies will return in spring. Tropical water lilies must be brought inside during the winter because they won't survive the cold water. Most gardeners don't bother to bring them inside and plant more in the spring. But those who do bring the lilies indoors should clean them up and keep them in a bucket of moist sand. It would help if you placed the bucket in a cold basement before the first freeze. Tropical types can be divided into two subcategories of day and night bloomers. While white night bloomers display beautifully in the moonlight, darker blooms may need artificial light. While the beauty of a pond completely covered by lilies is hard to resist, light cannot get through the water and will eventually kill any plant or animal in the lake. Care and maintenance can be made more accessible by growing water lilies in containers. That will help prevent them from overtaking a small pond.

It would help if you used a large plastic pot to grow pond lilies. Allow for small holes in the sides or bottom for proper drainage. Fill the container with clay soil or loam, silt, and a small amount of time-released fertilizer used for aquatic soil. Keep the mixture at least three inches from the top of the pot. The rhizome should be planted eye up at a 45-degree angle close to one side of the pot. You should cover the soil with pea gravel and special care not to get the gravel close to the top of the rhizome. The soil would wash out or float off the pot if not for the gravel. It would help if you placed the pot on the pond's bottom, allowing for the proper depth according to the variety of water lilies being planted, mostly between six and eighteen inches. You can set the pot on rocks to adjust the height if needed.